Take a look at all the books that I have illustrated so far. Click on the image to learn more about each book.
Princess Poppy and the Seagull
Written by Daisy Winter, a heartwarming story about friendship and helping others.
Houdini Stirs Up Trouble
Written by Ian Preston, a fun story about a tricksy little mouse, a Wild Child and a mean old Nanny Glum.
Matilda's Eye Patch
Written by Aimie Strachan, this is a charming and educational book about lovely little Matilda and her new eye patch.
The Cogs of our Class
By Lucy Rodgers, this educational book highlights the fact that our brains work differently and we all learn in different ways, and that's ok!
Jude the Dude and the Healthy Food
Written by Lucy Rodgers, this book features fun characters and an enjoyable story about healthy food!
Sadie meets Matty House
Written by Lucy Rodgers, this book opens an opportunity to discuss with children about being different, about how we should celebrate differences and embrace them.
Thought Bubbles
Written by Lucy Rodgers, this book was written during the Covid-19 pandemic and aims to teach children how to deal with loneliness and isolation.